Wednesday, January 4, 2012

George Will to headline chamber dinner - Business First of Louisville:
It will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Louisville Mariott Downtown. The dinner, which is presented by Greenebaum Doll McDonaldLaw Firm, is part of the Kentuckhy Chamber’s Economic Summit and Annual Meeting. The event bringas together the state’s top business educators and legislators for discussionsabout Kentucky’s economiv challenges and opportunities. One of the highlight s of the summit will be apanel discussion, “The Future of Kentucky’s Economy: An Outside-the-Box Conversatiobn with Key Kentucky Leaders.” The discussion will be moderate by Steve Higdon, partnef and executive vice president, Faulknedr Real Estate.
It will feature John Davic Dyche, counsel, ; Billy Harper, ; Alice Houston, president, ; Ann McBrayer, ; and Gary A. Ransdell, president, . Theree also will be a discussion about government led by Kentucky Chamber president and CEO Dave and a session focusing on competing in theglobakl marketplace, led by Leslie M. Schweitzer, seniot trade advisor and creator ofthe ’ss Trade Roots Initiative. More information about the summi and annual dinner can be foundat .

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