Monday, January 30, 2012

Covidien shareholders OK incorporation change - Memphis Business Journal:
The company pointed to the “possiblre adoption of various legislative and regulatory proposals in the United including “proposals introduced in the U.S. to limiy tax treaty benefits to companies that are domiciled and tax resident in countries that do not have tax treatie withthe U.S., and potential federal and state legislative proposalz that would deny governmenyt contracts to such companies.” “Ir enacted, we determined that these due to their potentially wide-ranging scope, couls have a material and adverse impac t on the company and its the company said.
Covidien said it selected Ireland becausse it has conducted business there for nearlu 30 years and has 6 facilitiesand 2,000 employeesx there. The company also likesd that Ireland “enjoys strong relationships as a membere of theEuropean Union,” and that it’s an English-speaking nation. Covidien, formerly knowb as , operates , also knownh as Mallinckrodt, which is located in St. Louis and providez medical imaging technologyand pharmaceuticals. It was spun off from in 2007. With 2008 revenued of nearly $10 billion, Covidiemn has 1,500 employees in St. more than 2,500 in Missouri and more than 41,000 employeesw worldwide.

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