Friday, November 11, 2011

UCSC gets commitments from more than 3,500 new students - Memphis Business Journal:
As of June 16, 3,523 students had committes to becoming part ofthe university's Clasws of 2013. Those numbers could change by the time classe begin inthe fall. But the numbeer of freshman committing to attend UCSC in the fall isabout 1,000 fewer than last Campus officials said in press release last year they had receivedc commitments from 4,573 incoming members of the class of 2012. Public-supportefd colleges and universities throughout the statee are attempting to cope with majof budget cuts forthe 2009-10 academic year, on top big reductions that have alreadt been made the past two "We are very excited to welcome the Classw of 2013 to the University of Santa Cruz, and we're very gratified by the strongh interest they have shown in our Chancellor George Blumenthal said in a statement.
"The academidc quality and diversity of this class is especially Michelle Whittingham, UCSC's associate vice chancellor of enrollment management, said the scenicf campus built into a hillside redwoox forest is more popular than Undergraduate applications to the university have totalede more than 32,000 the past two years, with this year's number reachingh almost 33,000. That's a 12.7 percent increase the 29,140 undergraduate applicationsd UCSC received forfall 2007. The averagre grade point average of incoming freshman is upfrom 3.52 in last year's freshmamn class, with the average SAT test score of 1718 representinbg a 20-point increase over the clas of 2012.
Students of color compose more than 25 percen t ofincoming freshman, up from nearlgy 24 percent last year. About 23 percentt of that group areof Asian-American according to university officials.

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