Saturday, November 19, 2011

Manpower: 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in 3Q - The Business Review (Albany):
From July to September, 6 percent of the companiees interviewed in the Honolulu metro area plan to hire more while 11 percent expect to reducetheir payrolls, accordinhg to the survey from Milwaukee-based (NYSE: MAN). Seventy-eigh t percent expect to maintain their current staff levelzs and 5 percent remain uncertain abouthiring plans. Hiringt is expected to be a little lighter than in theseconrd quarter, when 10 percent of companiesd surveyed planned to hire and 12 percentt expected to cut payrolls, said Manpowefr spokeswoman Mary Lou Callahan. For the cominfg quarter, job prospects in the Honolulu area appeatr best in wholesale and retailk trade and leisureand hospitality.
Employers in durable goodds manufacturing, nondurable goods manufacturing, professional and business services, educatiomn and health services and government intend tocut staffing. Hiringg in construction, transportation and utilities, financial activities and othet services is expected toremain unchanged. National survey resulte showed little change from the second Of the morethan 28,000 employers surveyed acrossa the country, 15 percentf expect to increase their staff levels durinvg the third quarter, while 13 percent expect to reduce their Sixty-seven percent expect no change in hirinb and 5 percent are undecided about theit third-quarter hiring plans.
“The data shows continued hesitancyamonv employers,” said Jonas Prising, president of the America s for Manpower. “They are treading slowly and watching withguarder optimism, hoping a few quarters of stability will be the precursort to the recovery.”

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