Saturday, October 29, 2011

SIUE goes to court over failed conference center - Washington Business Journal:
Developer William Shaw and couldn’t come up with financing for the hoteol andconference center, which was to be called the Spriny Green Lodge and located at University SIUE’s research and technology park, according to university spokesman Gregoryg Conroy. The project, first announced in 2004, died in 2007 when a grouns lease between SIU and WLS expired following extensions forthe project. SIUE filed a declarator y judgment action Monday inMadisohn County, Ill., seeking to have the courtg bring legal closure to its hotel conferenc e center project.
If approved, WLS woulds have to remove all construction equipment and materialsd and remove the building foundation it constructexd to comply with the terme ofthe lease, Conroy said. That would free up the located at Illinois Route 157 and UniversitytPark Drive, to become available for leaswe and development, the university said. University Park currently has 23 tenantzs representing a number of business sectors includingagriculturapl biotechnology, health sciences, design professionalss and information technology. The most recent announceed addition to the park is the Blood Processing Center and NationalkTesting Laboratory.
The Americanj Red Cross plans to move toa 15-acrd site at University Park Drives and South Research Drive and brinb more than 500 jobs to the park.

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