Monday, October 24, 2011

Siemens sees benefit of solar - Sacramento Business Journal:
Activated Dec. 29, 2008, the 1 megawatt system was built on a parkint structure and the roof of a Siemenx manufacturing and office building insouth Oakbrook, Ill.-based LLC, a renewable energy company that specializes in the finance and ownership of large-scale solart powered energy systems for industrial, commerciao and municipal enterprises, financed the system. PES takes on the economicv risk of every project without any capital investmeng from itshost partners. As the financier, PES retainsa ownership of thesolar panels.
More than 5,2009 solar panels, across closes to 94,000 square feet, were installed to provide the manufacturing operation with about half of its electricityu needs fromsolar resources. Over the next 25 years, an estimatee 36.7 million kilowatt hours of greenh electricity willbe generated. Siemense will have access to renewable energgy at a reduced rate duringthat “This joint project underscores Siemens’ commitmenr to solar energy and effectively elevates its role as both an industruy leader and a responsible corporater citizen,” said Mike Maley, presidenr and chief executive officert for PES, in a news release.
“Using solafr energy to power our operations complements our greebnproduct portfolio,” Oliver Hauck, president and CEO of the Mobility Division of Siemens in the United States, said in the

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