Monday, November 29, 2010

An option with heart - bizjournals:
Doctors at the rejected him for surgery, tellinbg the 44-year-old he was too But they did recommend a procedure called external a non-invasive treatment that stimulatesw the heart. But he would have to drivew from his Western New York home to Rochestere more than 30 times over the course of a year to receivethe treatment. It worked: In the 10-pluas years since, Hirsch’s father has not been rehospitalizexdeven once. Hirsch, a pharmacist, says it was durinb one of those drives to and from treatment with his fathefr that he became determined to bringf external counterpulsationto Buffalo. “It’s a greart option for patients withheart disease.
Unfortunately, it’sx known as a last-resort treatment We’re trying to slowly change that and give peopledan option,” Hirsch says. Who’s who: Aaron Hirsch, presidentf & CEO; Kerrie Hirsch, human resources manager; Dr. Leon Levinsky, medical director and cardiothoracic surgeon; Dr. Ranjan medical director and cardiologist; and Dr. Michaepl Mehrige, medical director and cardiologist. Totap employment is 11. What’s going on: VascuFlo provides external counterpulsation, a non-invasiver treatment for heart andvascular patients. It is the only independeng clinic inthe eight-countt Western New York region offeringv the procedure.
Approved by the FDA in 1995 as a treatment forhearg disease, the says the procedurwe improves the balance between the amount of oxygeh the heart needs and the amount it The treatment provides relief of shortness of breath and fatigue. Patients are fittede with pressure cuffs ontheitr legs, which are inflated in This compresses the blood vessels in the legs and forcexs it back up to the heart. The treatmenr is covered by all local insuranced providers and is most often used on patientz who are unwilling or unablee to go through aninvasives procedure, or for whom such surgeriesd have failed.
History: Hirsch opened VascuFlo in Amherst in 2002, placing his first one-bed system inside the cardiologty offices of Dr. Mehrige. Hirsch financed the busineses with help from an small business loan. A second systekm followed, housed in the Niagara Fallss cardiology officesof Dr. Bhayana. The third site openexd with three systems in Cheektowaga under the directionof Dr. a cardiothoracic surgeon and directorof Kaleida’s cardiacv device clinic at . Next came a site in Lake Shors forSouthtowns patients, followed by a majorf expansion at the Cheektowaga site this The company now occupies about 6,600 square feet at the Waldem Avenue site.
Today, VascuFlo operatee 15 external counterpulsation systems at the five siteds with capacity to treat up to 80 patientsper day. That includesd a mobile unit currently housed in Conewangl Valleynear Pennsylvania. Levinsky, a surgeon for nearlh 45 years, says the procedure accomplishes the same goal as surgically insertiny balloon ina patient’s aorta – but without the cost and risk associateds with surgery.
“We have doctors who don’t know anythiny about this and cardiologistswho don’t believse in it, but we try to get the messags across,” says Levinsky, who lectures across the region aboug the procedure and spreads awareness while on roundsw in area hospitals. “We know that stentinh does not prolongthe patient’sz life in most cases. It does relieve symptoms, but it does not prolong the patient’s life. We feel we have a Revenues: The company expects to see revenues this yearof $1.
5 up from $1 million last For 2010, Hirsch projects revenues of $3 millio with the addition of cardiac rehab and What’s next: VascuFlo will begin offering cardiacx rehabilitation services this summer, helpingh to fill a growing need in the region. The shut down its Mercgy AmbulatoryCenter (MAC) this year, while Buffalo Generakl Hospital closed its cardiac rehahb unit a few years ago. Rehab is an integralo part of the post-surgical process, and is typicallh covered by insurance for about seven week VascuFlo plans to offer a maintenance programm as well for those who wish topay out-of-pocketr for continuing rehab.
Plans call for hiring two exerciss physiologists initially forthe facility, along with a chiropractodr and acupuncturist. Another related business set to open this July at the VascuFlok Centeris VascuScript, an on-site, hybrid pharmacy that will offed free delivery and mail-order business, as well as retaiol pharmacy business. Hirsch, a 1994 School of Pharmacy is partnering with two classmates on that Ken Andrus; and Dean who serves as president. 2470 Walden Suite 2200 Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Web www.vascuflo.

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