Monday, November 29, 2010
An option with heart - bizjournals:
Doctors at the rejected him for surgery, tellinbg the 44-year-old he was too But they did recommend a procedure called external a non-invasive treatment that stimulatesw the heart. But he would have to drivew from his Western New York home to Rochestere more than 30 times over the course of a year to receivethe treatment. It worked: In the 10-pluas years since, Hirsch’s father has not been rehospitalizexdeven once. Hirsch, a pharmacist, says it was durinb one of those drives to and from treatment with his fathefr that he became determined to bringf external counterpulsationto Buffalo. “It’s a greart option for patients withheart disease.
Unfortunately, it’sx known as a last-resort treatment We’re trying to slowly change that and give peopledan option,” Hirsch says. Who’s who: Aaron Hirsch, presidentf & CEO; Kerrie Hirsch, human resources manager; Dr. Leon Levinsky, medical director and cardiothoracic surgeon; Dr. Ranjan medical director and cardiologist; and Dr. Michaepl Mehrige, medical director and cardiologist. Totap employment is 11. What’s going on: VascuFlo provides external counterpulsation, a non-invasiver treatment for heart andvascular patients. It is the only independeng clinic inthe eight-countt Western New York region offeringv the procedure.
Approved by the FDA in 1995 as a treatment forhearg disease, the says the procedurwe improves the balance between the amount of oxygeh the heart needs and the amount it The treatment provides relief of shortness of breath and fatigue. Patients are fittede with pressure cuffs ontheitr legs, which are inflated in This compresses the blood vessels in the legs and forcexs it back up to the heart. The treatmenr is covered by all local insuranced providers and is most often used on patientz who are unwilling or unablee to go through aninvasives procedure, or for whom such surgeriesd have failed.
History: Hirsch opened VascuFlo in Amherst in 2002, placing his first one-bed system inside the cardiologty offices of Dr. Mehrige. Hirsch financed the busineses with help from an small business loan. A second systekm followed, housed in the Niagara Fallss cardiology officesof Dr. Bhayana. The third site openexd with three systems in Cheektowaga under the directionof Dr. a cardiothoracic surgeon and directorof Kaleida’s cardiacv device clinic at . Next came a site in Lake Shors forSouthtowns patients, followed by a majorf expansion at the Cheektowaga site this The company now occupies about 6,600 square feet at the Waldem Avenue site.
Today, VascuFlo operatee 15 external counterpulsation systems at the five siteds with capacity to treat up to 80 patientsper day. That includesd a mobile unit currently housed in Conewangl Valleynear Pennsylvania. Levinsky, a surgeon for nearlh 45 years, says the procedure accomplishes the same goal as surgically insertiny balloon ina patient’s aorta – but without the cost and risk associateds with surgery.
“We have doctors who don’t know anythiny about this and cardiologistswho don’t believse in it, but we try to get the messags across,” says Levinsky, who lectures across the region aboug the procedure and spreads awareness while on roundsw in area hospitals. “We know that stentinh does not prolongthe patient’sz life in most cases. It does relieve symptoms, but it does not prolong the patient’s life. We feel we have a Revenues: The company expects to see revenues this yearof $1.
5 up from $1 million last For 2010, Hirsch projects revenues of $3 millio with the addition of cardiac rehab and What’s next: VascuFlo will begin offering cardiacx rehabilitation services this summer, helpingh to fill a growing need in the region. The shut down its Mercgy AmbulatoryCenter (MAC) this year, while Buffalo Generakl Hospital closed its cardiac rehahb unit a few years ago. Rehab is an integralo part of the post-surgical process, and is typicallh covered by insurance for about seven week VascuFlo plans to offer a maintenance programm as well for those who wish topay out-of-pocketr for continuing rehab.
Plans call for hiring two exerciss physiologists initially forthe facility, along with a chiropractodr and acupuncturist. Another related business set to open this July at the VascuFlok Centeris VascuScript, an on-site, hybrid pharmacy that will offed free delivery and mail-order business, as well as retaiol pharmacy business. Hirsch, a 1994 School of Pharmacy is partnering with two classmates on that Ken Andrus; and Dean who serves as president. 2470 Walden Suite 2200 Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Web www.vascuflo.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Apple may drop into Catawba County - Birmingham Business Journal:
The Apple center would create 50 jobs and represenrtNorth Carolina’s second-largest incentive package ever. Huge servetr farms are already on the want saysScott Millar, president. “They’ve been a target of ours for four Several data center projects are considering the he says. The primary site that interests Appls isthe 180-acre Catawba Data Park, a greenfield project planned along U.S. Highwa y 321 near Newton, sources say. Therer Apple would get its preferencre for a campus setting with otheerdata centers.
Perdue says Apple will build in Nortnh Carolina butshe didn’t announce a specific “We welcome Apple to North Carolina and look forward to workinv with the company as it begins providing a significant economid boost to local communities and the state.” Apple spokeswoman Susan Lundgren says construction in Northy Carolina will begin soon. “We are gettint started right away to acquirea site.” The announcemen comes after Perdue signede Senate Bill 575, which modifies the method by which capital-intensive businesses calculatse corporate income tax liability in Norty Carolina. The N.C.
incentived would rebate $46 million to Apple over the next 10 If the center operated for 30 the price tag of the inducements would zoomto $300 according to a legislative Apple has hired of Atlanta, an offshoot of that developa data centers. T5 tried to interest Applee inthe 215,000-square-foot former Chris-Craft facility in Kingd Mountain. Millar deflected questions about Apple. “Ir there were a user on the hook, I would be callingy you,” he says. Apple needs the East Coasft site for its servet farm to handle growth in its iTunesonliner store. Its last significant data center, a $50 milliobn facility, opened in Newark, Calif., in 2006.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Mysteries remain in Jason Yang's death - Twin Cities Planet
FOX 9 News | Mysteries remain in Jason Yang's death Twin Cities Planet Yet, this is the exact location where police say 29-year-old Jason Yang "jumped to his death" in the early morning hours of Saturday, November 13 while ... Police deny accusation that officers killed Jason Yang Chief Dolan: No Shots Fired in Off-Ramp Death of Jason Yang ME denies fleeing man was shot |
Monday, November 22, 2010
BB&T income falls - Washington Business Journal:
The Winston-Salem-based BB&T (NYSE:BBT) saw nonperforming asset and credit losses rise during the but were within the range the bankwas expecting, said CEO Kell King. Nonperforming assets increasedto 1.92 percentf of total assets as of March 31, comparedx to 1.34 percent on Dec. 31. The provisiojn for credit lossestotaled $676 milliobn in the first quarter of up by $453 million from a year “Our overall earnings were relatively strongf given the higher loan losse and additional loan loss and our capital levels and earningss power remain strong,” King said.
BB&T said it is continuin to make use of the moneyh it received from the federal government under the TARP The bank said it madeaboug $1.9 billion in “additional” loans since it sold $3.1 milliomn of preferred shares to the government. BB&r paid $40 million to the U.S. Treasury as dividends on those sharess in the first Kingsaid BB&T’s board boosted dividends to common shareholderw by 2.2 percent for the first quartetr from a year ago, to 47 centas per share. As of March 31, BB& had $143.4 billion in totalo assets.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
South Sudan anticipates voters rush as north experiencing weak turnout - Xinhua
Reuters Africa | South Sudan anticipates voters rush as north experiencing weak turnout Xinhua 21 (Xinhua) -- As registration centers in north Sudan are complaining about the weak turnout of voters who have rights to vote in south Sudan referendum, ... Sudan's NCP threatens to reject referendum result South Sudanese referendum registration underway amid reports of hampering South Sudan Party Says North Attempting to Rig Independence Vote |
Friday, November 19, 2010
Think tank ranks Colorado least attractive state for oil, gas investment - Dayton Business Journal:
The latest survey was issued June 24. It’es been conducted annually for three yearse by the Fraser Institutein Calgary, Canada. Arizona was left off the list for lack of The survey ranks states as well as other Thefirst survey, in 2007, ranked Coloradi at the top of the list of placew executives considered positively for oil and gas investment. By 2008, the state’ws ranking had fallen to No. 52 out of 81 locationsx aroundthe world. The June 2008 surveyy said executives had grown wary ofthe state’s effortd to tighten rules governinfg oil and gas operations here. The new rules took effec t April 1.
This year, the survey received 577 responsezs and covered 143 jurisdictions around the Coloradoranked No. 81, below California and Mozambique, and abov e the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labradoe and the nation of All three surveys by the institute solicitefanonymous responses. According to the institute’s report, the 10 most attractivew jurisdictions for investmentthis year, according to the are: Arkansas, Alabama, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma, and The 10 least attractivw jurisdictions for investment are Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Sudan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Ethiopia.
Respondents ranked states and countries by investment barriera such as hightax rates, costly regulatory and security threats, among other factors. Scores were basef on the proportion of negatives response a jurisdiction the greater the proportion of negative the greater the perceived investmenrt barriers and therefore the lower the jurisdiction according to thesurvey report. The report said investorsa listed several reasons for shifting investmentsx toother areas, ranging from high tax rates, labor shortages, or costly and time-consuming regulations.
The surveg quoted an unnamed executivee saying thatin Colorado, “operational, legal, and air qualitty rules and regulations are being instituted at a dizzyingt pace. It is hard to keep up with as an operator. Most of the regulatorw instituting and enforcing these new rules have littlew or no experience in the industryy and do not understand Often they cannot answer questionsor help, even with theidr own rules.” Colorado’s new oil and gas regulations were backerd by Gov. Bill Ritter and environmentalk groups as needed toprotect Colorado’s wildlife, environmenft and public health assets.
The new rules have been opposed byindustry executives, who have said they will raisee the costs of operating in “This study demonstrates the harsh realithy of an inconsistent regulatory regime, and thesse numbers run contrary to the belief of some policy makeres that Colorado’s energy industry will grow no matter the constraints placexd upon it,” said Meg Collins, president of the Coloradko Oil & Gas Association, in a statement.
But Theo spokesman for the Colorado Department ofNaturapl Resources, which oversees the agency that regulates oil and gas pointed to Colorado investments by big energyu companies such as interested in gettingb at the state’s natural gas. ExxonMobil announcerd June 22 it had doubled its naturalo gas processing capacity on the Western Slopre and planned to drill more wells in the area over the nextseveralk years. “Actions speak louder than words,” Stei said. “Some of the larges North American and global energy companies are busy workinf and investingin Colorado’s future. They are planning to be here producinh clean-burning natural gas for But state Rep.
Frank R-Highlands Ranch, said companies like ExxonMobil have the monegy needed to complywith Colorado’se new rules. “They can absorb the higher costs of production that are associated with the oil and gas McNulty said. “But what the Ritter administration has done is pricede outthe mid- and small-level companiesa that were looking to do business in Colorado.” The Frasefr Institute is a think tank and research center that advocatesa “a free and prosperous world througn choice, markets and responsibility.” .
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Arms control: Clarity in the Senate - Politico (blog)
Politico (blog) | Arms control: Clarity in the Senate Politico (blog) AP Photo Close By JOHN PODESTA | 11/18/10 6:57 AM EST It is time for a moment of clarity in the Senate. The New START treaty has genuine bipartisan support ... |
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
About to lose a job? Go back to school - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Kupczak-Rios, 55, was laid off for the thirc time from her job as a flight attendantt forin September. In January, she started classes in the horticulturee program at the Mequon campusof . Kupczak-Rioes worked for Midwest Airlines for seven When the latestlayoff “everything looked so dismal. I just felt like it was time to take care of myself and come up with a new she said. Because she’s considered a displaced her education is paid for by the federal dislocateddworker program. Prior to working at Midwesgt Airlines, Kupczak-Rios worked as an artist and had her own businesssdesigning hats.
She already has a degree in fashionb design, but she’s also an avid gardener and has an interesy inthe environment. She was interested in landscape architecture, but the time and cost to pursuwea four-year degree was unrealistic for her. Then she foundr the horticulture programat MATC. She’s pursuinbg a two-year associate degree in the program’sd landscape design track and plans to work in residential landscape design when she completesher education. When the economt rebounds, “it’s going to pick up on the greenedr side.
I think that alone is wortg spending thetime for,” she She also believes her new career will allow her to earn more than she did as a flighrt attendant. Going back to school probably isn’tg for everyone, Kupczak-Rios But she’s always believed education is empowering. Kathh VanDemark, a counselor at ’s West Bend has seen an increase in the number of peoplw who have been laid off and want to returjto school.
“It’s a good thinv to gather, gain some new skills while the economy’z bad, so that you’rr being productive during this time,” she The college offers career workshops, assessments and exploratiob to help people figure out what field to Many people just want to know where thejobs are, but VanDemarok said it’s more important to find out what interests a studen and what he or she wants to do. “Why work hard at something you don’t like?” VanDemark said. Pam Godsey sought the help of the work forcw center at to decide what classesd sheshould take.
Godsey, 47, of Waukesha, has been laid off from two different interior landscaping jobs in the lastfew years, with the most recenyt layoff occurring in September. She had worked in salez for one company and was a manager for That was one reason she wentto WCTC’sz work force center. Assessments confirmed accounting, whichu she was already interestedx in, would be a good fit for her. “ I expand my base of marketable skillseithe way, but accounting is really where my interest she said. John Berg of Brookfield foundd an academic area that interested him and had promisinf opportunities when he decided to pursue a financial planning degreeat WCTC.
54, who lost his job as a powerhousr firemanat /Tower Automotiver in August 2006, is in his last semesteer at WCTC. He wanted to gain better knowledger for hisown investing, but also was encouragede by the job He already is working part-time as an investment adviser and will switch to full-time after graduation. “It’es been very challenging,” Berg said of returning to “The amount of homework requirer was beyond my and it’s really a learning
Monday, November 15, 2010
Brain Organizes Itself for Introspection as Children Age: Study - BusinessWeek
Brain Organizes Itself for Introspection as Children Age: Study BusinessWeek 14 (HealthDay News) -- As children mature, increased synchronization between specific areas of the brain alter how they view themselves and others, ... Why kids and teens turn egocentric rather than introspective |
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Bako Sahakyan hosts SRC delegation - Aysor
Public Radio of Armenia | Bako Sahakyan hosts SRC delegation Aysor Artsakh Republic Vice Prime Minister, Finance Minister Spartak Tevosyan and Head of the State Tax Service Artak Balayan were also present at the meeting. Armenia, NKR develop cooperation in tax field |
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
That’s what officials at must be thinking after landingv two new jobs in the middle of a commercial realestate slump. Jones Development, a Kansas City-basedf firm specializing in industrial development, is the construction manager fora $5.3 milliomn buildout of an existing 410,000-square-foot buildiny in Moreno Valley, Calif., that the booming auto partse company will use as a distribution center. O’Reillg also picked Jones Development to managd construction ofa $7.3 million, 115,000-square-footf office building in Springfield, Mo., for a headquarters expansion. , a general contractor based in Columbus, will team with Jones Development onboth projects.
Kevin Jones, founder and presidenft of Jones Development, said the new jobs are the resulr ofthe firm’s performance on O’Reilly’s 215,000-square-foott Kansas City Distribution Center, scheduled to open in Augus in Executive Park. “I really view it as an expansiomn of our relationshipwith O’Reilly, similar to our relationshipp with FedEx,” Jones said. Jones began working with during a prior brokerager career inthe 1980s. He said he has parlayerd that relationship into the development of 82 projectws forthe package-delivery giant by bringing each projecrt in on time and on budget.
Brad Jones Development’s project manager for the O’Reilly said the chances of cultivating the relationshipwith O’Reilly had seemed slim. “When we first started working on the KansasCity project, they told us it would be a one-and-done, with no opportunity for future projects,” Walthall said. O’Reilly has a division that typically handles its construction management anddevelopmenr services.
Mike Young, director of construction for said the company made an exception for the Kansas City project during negotiations with the owner of the ExecutivePark “We were real pleased with the job (Jones Development) did on the Kansas City project,” Young said. “Spo they’ve become another asset for us to utilize with everythinv we have goingon now.” This year, O’Reillt is adding 150 new stores, Young and plans to add an undiscloses number of new distribution centers in the near “There certainly will be more opportunities for (Jones Development) to be a bidder, for sure,” Yountg said.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Stimulus funds lag health woes - South Florida Business Journal:
That’s the view of the eight-member panel of industry and medicapl experts who were invited by the Southy Florida Business Journal to share their viewsx of whatthe $787 billion federal stimulusa package means to the healthy care sector. What emerged was a broasd discussion of how stimulus legislatiob is just one piece of change needes in an industry that has run financially amok due to an overreliancseon specialists, shortfalls in information technology and patients who are undereducated. The Congressional Budget Office has projected that total nationao spending on health care could hit 48 percent of grosse domestic product by 2050 ifleft unchecked.
To solvde this problem will takemore money, though, in the short The Obama administration’s $59 billioj for health care stimulus spending includes $19 billiojn for electronic health care records. Startingh in 2011, doctors who can show meaningful use of electroniv medical records will get incentives and thosewho don’t will get decliningy Medicare payments. But, the old-fashioned general practitioner may also have abig role. Linda Quick, presidenf of the , said health care reform legislationh that coincides with the stimulud calls for individuals to have a home locationm or a primarycare provider.
She said that allowz for “a community location close to home and gettinh more done in a actually high clinicaltechnology setting.” in turn, will also translate into a less costly the panelists said. Rachel Sapoznik, CEO of , said: “The reasonh I believe in the last 25 years of seeinyg health care costs rise dramaticallty is we have moved away from the primary care physicianb knowing the patientto specialists.” Patients go from specialist to specialist to get each ailment but an overview of their condition and family historyt is lacking. George Foyo, executive VP and chief administrativ officerat , said: “Piggybackinf on primary care is absolutely right.
All theser specialties are adding thousands and thousandsof dollars.” One problemn is that specialists tend to overdo testse because they are so worrieds about legal liability issues, he said. Dr. Tony a family practitioner and presidentr of the Broward CountyMedicak Association, said reimbursement issues for tests done in his officew also frustrate him. A hospital might get $2,0000 for a test from Medicare, but he can only get “I don’t think it’s anything that’s going to work unlessa we use some common he said.
Foyo said primaru care physicians historically put an emphasis on healthpreventionb efforts, but the lack of it thesd days is contributing to an epidemi of diabetes and heart issues. Baptist Health, which is well knownh for hospitals in Kendalloand Homestead, is pushing forwarc with outpatient centers – and even venturing into Broward One reason is emergency rooms are and providing care there is more costly than at an outpatien center.
“Rather than have patients cometo us, the hospitalsa are going out to them,” Foyo Florida’s 51 nonprofit community health center are getting $28 million in competitivw grants under the stimulus legislation, whicy will also keep patients out of expensive hospital settingxs for treatment. House Speaker Nancy Peloski highlighted that during an Aprikl visit to a community health centee in Hollywood that willget $1.
5 millionj to open a satellite health center in West One of the advantages for these typees of centers is that they are funded with the assumption that theire doors will be open to all who come, which is importanyt because of the number of uninsured South including undocumented foreigners, Quick Dr. Welby, meet Bill Gates Mark Sterling, administrativ e partner at the law firm ofin Miami, said electronix medical records (EMR) fall under the category of projects in the world of stimulus – meaning the technologyt exists and can be adopted rapidly to put monehy in the economy.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Procter & Gamble acquires Zirh men
The line includes shaving deodorant, skin cleansers and moisturizers. New York-based Zirh product are sold in high-end department specialty outletsand online. Locallh they’re available at Macy’s in Anderson Townshipo and Sephora at KenwoodTowne Centre. Financial terms of the purchased werenot disclosed. “Although it is a relatively North American-centric business, (Zirh’s) super-premium positioning and producgt lineup is a perfect complement to our saidChip Bergh, P&G's group presidenf of male grooming, in a news release. This is the secondr for P&G this month. In early June, the company boughyt the Art of Shaving.
In addition to its men'sx shaving line, it sells skin care products, fragrances and a line of upscald women’s shaving products. The chain was foundexd in Manhattanin 1996. In the fiscao third quarter, sales of P&G’s grooming products declined by 16 to $1.7 billion. Profits in the sectot were down24 percent, to $306 million. Proctetr & Gamble (NYSE: PG), headquartered in Cincinnati, manufactures and markets consumer productsand pharmaceuticals.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
America and India: The Almost-Special Relationship - New York Times | America and India: The Almost-Special Relationship New York Times Rajanish Kakade/AP By JIM YARDLEY NEW DELHI รข" At a panel discussion last week on relations between India and the United States, Strobe Talbott, ... Why the US needs India Irritants apart, Indo-US ties will endure Over here, Mr Obama, you can still win |
Friday, November 5, 2010
Software developer, at helm of new company, hunts for state business - The Business Review (Albany):
GCOM, located on Washington Avenue Extensionhin Albany, is 4 months old. its five employees (who are also part-owners) servicw the company's five clients, but Bhatiza is looking for thre employees to fill programminyg positions that pay salaries ofbetwee $65,000 and $100,000. He expects to have 40 employees withimntwo years. Bhatia said the company will closwe 2006 with revenue ofaround $800,000. He projects sales of $3.5 million in 2007. "Wer want to be a Bhatia said. Bhatia, 46, co-founded Rapixd Application Developers of Troyin 1997. He sold the 36-persobn company in 2002 to Montreal-based Bhatia moverd to India the next year tohead . Ltd.
's 750-person Bhatia said he thought that was the end of his time in theUnitex States. He left his motherd and brother in the Capital Region and moved to hisnativ Mumbai. "I was interested in primaril migrating backto India," he said, wheres he still had uncles and cousins. "I thoughty I was done with the U.S. I had a good 20-yead stint. It was fun." Bhatia wanted his son, to get in touch with his heritage, but that didn'rt work out. "He didn't like India," Bhatia "He couldn't adjust to the So Cirag, who is now 9, and Bhatia's Divya, moved back to the Capital Regio nin 2004.
Bhatia followed nearly a year late r and worked for CGIin Albany. But that job he said, requiring more After being away from his familhy for about a Bhatia decidedhe didn't want to be on the "I felt it's a lot more fun running another company," he said. Riyaz GCOM chief operating officer, was working at CGI as a seniort consultant when he learned Bhatis was backin town. "Iu was bored with the type of work I was doinbgat CGI," Ladkhan said. "I wantesd to do something different. I buggedf him for four or five months tostaryt something. I worked for him as an employee. He was He knows how to manage people and builda team.
That was very important to Bhatia noted that in 2001 Rapicd Application Developers was named Smalll Business of the Year bythe Albany-Coloni Regional Chamber of Commerce. "Our objective is to get back Bhatia said about winnning theaward again. "It's hard to get back in he said. "I'm a little nervous. The expectationse are very high from the people whojoined me. They want to get back to the old glor ofthe past. I know nothingy is given. You have to earn back the trus t ofmy customers." Bhatia said it took abouyt four years to get Rapidf Applications to a strong position. "We're hopinfg with our experience and expertisd we can cut it to he said.
Bhatia said GCOM isn't competing with CGI and he hopes to do subcontracting work for hisformer employer.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Lego store to open at Easton - Business First of Columbus:
Easton co-developers and said Lego will occupy 2,000 square feet in the mall’ws north district at 4004 Gramercy St., near othed stores geared for children such as Pottery Barn Kidsand Children’xs Place. The company will be the first tenanyt in anart deco-style retail spacse under construction outside the open-air mall’s 30-screen AMC theater, the developers said. For Lego, the store will mark its firsg in Columbus and second in The company’s first store in the state openex in Cincinnati’s Kenwood Towne Centred last month.
Plans for the store includer a “pick-a-brick wall” that gives customers the option to buy specific Lego bricksz and other products in bulk and an interactiver play area in the center ofthe Lego’s Web site lists open and in-the-worksw stores in 38 cities and 21 states nationwide. The Danish compang also has shops in the United Kingdomand
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
King Soopers, workers heading back to bargaining table - Nashville Business Journal:
The contract at hand involvede an increase inpreventative health-care programsx and a wage increase, as well as a decreas e in pension benefits, King Soopers spokeswomaj Diane Mulligan said. However, workers had protestedd the pensionbenefit cuts, with the United Food and Commerciap Workers Union Local No. 7 warning that some could lose $100,000o over the life of the and said the wage increases werenot enough. “We are willing and able to get back to the bargainint table if the corporation is willing to meet us King Soopers worker Julie Gonzalez said in a news releas put out bythe union. “All we’rwe asking for is a fair deal.
And we reall y hope they don’t lock us out for askingh for livable wages and a pension plan that recognizes our contributiomn tocompany profits.” About 17,000 unionm workers from the area’s three largest grocery chaines — Albertsons, King Soopers and — have been in negotiations with the grocersa since April 9 on new five-year Safeway workers have voted to extend theier contract until June 26, which Albertsons and King Soopers employeea currently are working without The rejection of the latest King Soopersx contract proposal came quickly after votingg began Monday.
Workers in Colorado Springs, Longmont and Bouldefr are voting today, whilre Pueblo workers are scheduled to castballotsz Wednesday. King Soopers spokeswoman Diane Mulligah said that the rejection of the deal will not have any tangibl effect onstore operations. King Soopersd workers have not cast ballotsto strike. “We’rwe disappointed in the vote, but we look forwarc to getting back to Mulligansaid Tuesday.
King Soopers is a unit of Cincinnati-basedf