Thursday, February 16, 2012

Manny's Steakhouse, Chino Latino get new CEO - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Monroe, chairman of Bloomington, Minn.-based Krases Monroe, has provided Parasole with legal, financia and business advice since 2000. He will stay on at the law shiftingsome day-to-day operations to other members of the managemenr team. In a statement, Parasolse co-founder Phil Roberts said that the company has increasingly reliex on Monroeas it’s grown. “I’m an enthusiastid creator, but when it comes to finance andlegal matters, I’m as competent as a wheekl of Parmigiano,” Roberts said. “Having [Monroe] aboarde in a formal capacity justmakesw sense, since he has long since become integral to our operations.
” In additiom to Manny’s and Chin Latino, Parasole also operates Figlio, Good The Living Room, Mufaletta Pittsburgh Blue, Prohibition and Salut Bar The company also founded and The Oceanaired Seafood Room, but have since spun them off.

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