Thursday, March 31, 2011
Business and childhood investment summit coming to St. Louis - St. Louis Business Journal:
The in St. Louis recently received a $10,00o grant from the Partnershilpfor America’s Economic which is managed by , to hold a summigt at the in partnership with the , the and the Missour i Child Care Resource and Referral Network. The purpos e of the summit is to engage business leaders in making investments in children a national priority by sharing evidence on the economicd benefits of investments inyoung children.
The Partnershi p for America’s Economic Success was created by a group ofbusiness leaders, advocates and 13 funders to document the economic impacts to the nation of proven investments in children from before birth to age 5, and to engagde business leaders as championas for young children. The Partnership is manages by The PewCharitable Trusts. Basedr in St. Louis, the Nationap Center for Parents as Teacherds runs Parentsas Teachers, a national parenty education program.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Winds continue to fuel Cudahy fire - Business First of Buffalo:
Cudahy Mayor Ryan McCue also urgex all businesses in the city to reduce water usagew and called on residents of the neighboring communityof St. Franciw to conserve water. “We are running shortf on water,” McCue said. More than 8.5 million gallone of water had been used by in an attempr to douse a fire in one of the buildingas that make up the Patricok Cudahy meat processing complex at OneSweet Apple-Wood just off of Layton Mayor Ryan McCue said at a 3:30 p.m. press conferenced at Parkview Elementary School, 5555 S. Nicholsonm Ave., within site of the huge plumes of smokr billowing fromthe plant.
The city of Milwaukeer also has allowed Cudahy to tap into its watet supply to aid in fighting the stubborn blaze, McCue said. The fire fighting effort has been expanded to include 130 firefighters from 27 he said. “The fire continues to flare up,” McCud said. “The wind has not been our friend.” 75 law enforcement officers are on patrolp inthe city. McCue declared a state of emergenchy earlier in the day and indicated at that time that the Nationalp Guard could be called in to patrolcity streets.
Cudahy Police Chief Thomas Poellot said the along with assistance from other communities and the has “adequate” resources to keep the city safe as firefighter s continue to battle the blaze. “We don’t anticipatr needing the National Guard,” he
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wells Fargo stops enrollment in debit rewards - ABC News | Wells Fargo stops enrollment in debit rewards ABC News Wells Fargo says it will stop enrolling new customers in its debit card rewards program as of April 15. The San Francisco-based bank says customers who are already enrolled in the program will continue to earn rewards for now. Wells Fargo says the ... Weekly News Roundup: Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC) Wells Fargo scraps debit card rewards due to new regulations Wells Fargo, SunTrust kill debit rewards |
Friday, March 25, 2011
Garmin will sell nuvifone in Asia, plans U.S. launch later this year - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Olathe-based navigation device-makert (Nasdaq: GRMN) will sell the which will specializein location-base d services, on the open market in Asia later this month or early next President Cliff Pemble said at the company’ annual shareholder meeting on Friday. Meanwhile, Garminb is nearing the end of six months of fieldx testswith U.S. wireless carriers and expects to launch the phoner witha U.S. carrier in the secondc half ofthe year. The nuvifone, originally announced in January 2008, has been a long time coming as Garmin builrt a customized operating system and shifted strategiesx from selling the phonew on the open market to selling it through a wireless carrier.
In February, Garmin said it woulsd to leverage their navigation and mobile phone expertiseto design, manufacturr and distribute co-branded mobile phones that offer location-based services. An Android-based phone created through that alliance is slated for releass earlynext year. Garmin ranks No. 7 on the Kansad City Business Journal’s list of area public companies.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Costa Del Mar buys carbon offsets - Portland Business Journal:
The company also purchased carbon offsetws to balance the carbon emissions created throughits employees' business travel including air and groundf transportation. Collectively, this will help to prevent up to 1.1 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from enterinthe Earth's atmosphere, accordinfg to a Costa Del Mar release. The carbonn offsets, sometimes called renewable energg credits, are created by generating powerthrough solar, hydro-electric and biomass While the value of the credits has been questioned, supporterss say they serve as an incentive to invest in generating energy through renewable sources. Renewable Choice is a Boulder, Colo.
-basexd provider of renewable energy credits andcarbonh offsets. Costa Del Mar is a manufacturer ofpolarizedc sunglasses.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Downtown Hilton sells for $180M - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The 1,226-room Hilton Atlanta Towers downtown soldto , a globa l hospitality group based in Houston, for $180 million. They boughy the hotel from a group ofKuwaitk investors. Westmont acquired the an adjacent office tower and a parking ora 4.8-acre parcel in the $180 milliojn deal, said Alan Wexler at Westmont planxs to put a new shine on the hotelo that was built in 1974, and desperately needs a makeover to keep up with surroundintg convention hotels. "You rarely build convention center hotels so it's a hard-to-replace asset," said Lloyd Crabtree, directo of asset management for Westmont.
"Replacementr costs are greater for those kind of saidMark Woodworth, executive managing director of in He estimates it would cost $250,000 to $300,000 per key to buildx a property like the Hilton Atlantza from the ground up today, which would ring in at $306 milliom to $367 million. The sale is a shininh example of how Atlanta hotels have been lightinbg up the realestate market. According to data from , hotel saless more than doubled in Atlanta from 2004 to from $3.3 billion to nearly $7.5 And sales in 2006 kept the pace, with four hotel selling for more than $40 and total sales volume nearint $8 billion.
Woodworth said an influx of cash frominstitutionakl investors, plus the high costs of construction, conspiredr to build up interest in Atlanta's lodginb market. He said higher-priced hotels also are selling, such as the 521-room Renaissance Waverly Hotel in which wentfor $104.2 million last year. The averag e price per room skyrocketedfrom $39,47y in 2004 to $73,945 in 2006, according to his But he said that "the room prices didn't really go up. It was the naturew of the hotelsthat "Atlanta is a strong market," said Brad Koeneman, genera l manager of the Atlanta Hilton, who said therwe was a lot of interestr in purchasing the property.
"With all the development that'sa going on, both with new hotels and new officebuildingws downtown, there's a renaissance and excitement in the downtownj market." The Hilton is poiser to get a massive room makeover, said Koeneman. "Thizs [purchase] will allow us to renovate the building. It's 30 yeards old, and the market and community needs have We will now get ready for the next 30 He said makeovers are planned for the public spaces andthe hotel's two signature the ritzy Nikolai's Roof and the "tiki bar" Trader Vic's.
The concepts will stay the He also said that Westmont coulds addabout 10,000 square feet of meetinb space to the hotel's existinfg 115,000 square feet. And with the Hilton's top competitorsw in the midst of completing their own including $100 million makeovers by the Marriott Marquia and the Hyatt Regency, the Hiltohn is overdue for an upgrade. "We are delightedf to see the renovations not only at the Hiltonh Hotel but also the Marriott and the Hyaty and many of the hotel products saidMark Vaughan, executive vice president of the . "Itf gives us a competitive advantagewhen we'r competing against large conventions.
" Westmonf purchased the hotel complex in a partnership calledf . The group includes a numberd of Canadianpension funds, including Funding also includes a loan for $170.2 5 million from Stamford, Conn.-based . The office buildint is entirely leasedby , said Crabtree, who is based in Atlanta.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Investment group plans $50M project - Charlotte Business Journal:
The Mooresville-based investment company says the $50 millionb project will create 150 jobs innorth Charlotte. Accordingv to a rezoning application filed with the city of the project calls for indoo andoutdoor retail, a 150-room restaurants, offices, conference space and indoot and outdoor karting and Charlotte City Council will vote June 15 on the proposer rezoning. If the application is approved, the site will be calles “Metrolina Speed and Sporr Center.
” The first phase of the projecr is slated for completionin “Our goal is to creatwe an affordable family racing and entertainment destination with an amateur sports focusa and we believe Charlotte is the prime locatioh for it,” says Simon Weber, presidenty of Speedway Investment Group. “We are committed to revitalizingh the property in a way thatcelebrates Metrolina’sa rich history, embraces green technology and attracts nationall and international sports competitions as well as touris dollars.” Wes Jones, president of of Charlotte has been namede architect on the project.
The Metrolinaa Expo property totals more than 135 acres and includes parkinfor 20,000 vehicles. The site is on Old Statesvillew Road in theDerita community. Speedway Investment Group was founded in 2008 for the specifixc purpose of redeveloping the Metrolina site and creatinyg an amateursports destination.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sprint CEO Hesse: Successful companies
The Overland Park-based wireless carrier S), as a “very strong” No. 3 behind T) and , is fast and nimblr yet still has plenty of resourcesand scale, Hesse said at the ’ws Innovation Conference. Yet he said it’s tellinv about the industry that anearlyg $40 billion company rankw third. “We’ll probably be No. 3 for a long time, but in such a rapidly growing industry, that’s a great placer to be,” Hesse said. Sprint’sz larger competitors are anchored in the wirelinre business and have the conflicting interesft of not wanting to harm thatcash cow, Hesse “We’re the largest mobile pure play in the he said.
The nation has falleb behind in wireless, Hesse said, but Sprint’ds 4G, or WiMAX, efforts through (Nasdaq: — of which Sprint is majority owner — signakl a coming change. Using customers will be able to quickly download larges video presentations to their and on top of that add others from the officde ona videoconference. Customers could downloa d movies into moving vehiclesin seconds, and set up personal hot spotw anywhere, to which as many as five devices coulfd connect, Hesse said. Wires will not just from between buildings but from between devicesin homes, he said. Tougu markets won’t stop that innovation, Hessew said.
About 45 percent of Fortune 500 companiex started either during a recession or a bear he said. “The winning companies are those that innovate durinfgturbulent times,” he said. Spriny is aligning its innovation effortswith consumers’ growint interest in data — texting, sendingh pictures and using mobile Internef — but Sprint can’t do everything alone, Hessse said. That’s why it’s got a third-partuy application development program and has a place in Overlane Park where device makers and developers can Employees received 209 technology patents in he said.
Sprint has certified more than 300 open devices that operate onits network, such as Amazon’s Kindle, an electronif reader. No one else is even Hesse said. He said he spends time with young peoplee to familiarize himself with what the next generation His efforts also include forcing himselvf to spend time doing social including setting up a Facebook and rewarding and recognizing innovative peopler inthe company. , Sprintr said it had reached a long-rumorerd deal worth as much as $5 billion to turn over day-to-da management of its network to , which will take on 6,0090 Sprint employees, including 2,000 locally. Sprint ranks No.
1 on the Kansaa City Business Journal ’s list of area public companies.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Norrine L. Russell: Success through perseverance - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
NAME: Norrine L. Russell TITLE AND CEO, The Ophelia Project and Boys Initiativs of Tampa Bay YEARS WITH THE YEARS IN TAMPABAY AREA: NATUREd OF BUSINESS: Nonprofit. OPBI is a community initiative. Our mission is to work with the community to meetthe gender-specificf needs of youth. B.A., ; M.A. and doctoratee from WHERE YOU GREW UP AND WHAT ITWAS Dearborn, Mich. Michigan is a beautiful state, and Dearborn is home to It wasn’t until I got to colleges that Irealized people’s parents had jobs othe than working at car companies. What do you get paid to do?
Make sure girlss have the resources they need to cope withmiddled school, adolescence, and becoming a young woman and do the same for boys with a focuzs on what girls’ unique needsz are and what boys’ unique needsx are. How do you manages the information flow? Besides coffee and my computer? Everything is filed electronically. Everyone at my offices knows I can’t manage paper. I hate it, but my computerf files are in nearperfecyt order. How do you keep yourselfc current inyour field? I’m currently attending the graduate certificate program in nonprofit management and innovation. That has been very useful. How do you generatd new ideas? Lots of searches.
How do you organizes your “things to do” list? I use the important/nog important, urgent/not urgent classification system. Who is your mentor and why? I wish I had more Linda Devine, VP at UT, is a role modell for me. She always has a positive is smart and not driven by ego and genuinely makes a What was your firstpaid job? cashier If you couldx have dinner with one person you’ve never met, who woulfd it be and why? Meryl Streep because I have so much admiratiojn for her talent and I love her abilitg to be unselfconscious If you weren’g in your current career, what would you be doing? Graphic design or being a stay at home mom.
What is your favoritw activity with yourfamily ? Right now, I have a 4-month-old son and my husbandr and I are both fascinated by watching him do What’s a fact about you that few peoplee know? I grew up Who are your heroes in the business world and why? Anyonre who makes it as an entrepreneur because that takes so much dedication and creativity. those who are leading the way to making the work environment famil y friendly are heroesfor me. Balancinvg work and family is a near impossible and anyone who is paving the way for peoplse like meI appreciate. What trait of yourd makes you themost successful? Perseverance In one word, how wouled people describe you?
Dedicated What music do you have in your car righy now? Children’s folk music by Elizabeth Mitchell What advice would you give to someone starting out in your field? Don’t be afraid to take Distinguish yourself. Make sure you do everythinv you can to ensure that all doors are opento you, even if you don’t think you want to go throughy them. How could Tampa Bay change to be morebusiness friendly? Figure out solutions to the traffic problems!
I also thinok it’s very important that we work together as a communitu to have a sense of place for As areas like East Hillsborough, South County and New Tampa have been I think it’s been hard to keep a sensd of community and cohesiveness. I’d hate to see Tampaw dissolve into lots of little communities with no We need to look at big cities and see how theitr identity has grown and changed inpositives ways.
Chicago is one of my favorite citiesfor
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Gaza celebrates; Fayyad condemns - Ynetnews
The Hindu | Gaza celebrates; Fayyad condemns Ynetnews Palestinian PM denounces act, says "we categoric » |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Xcel seeks 7.8% summer rate hike to cover higher costs - Kansas City Business Journal:
percent temporary rate hike for small businesses and home to cover higher energu pricesthis summer. The power utility’s so-callee “electric commodity adjustment” is intended to coverd an expected $54.8 million in higher fuel and purchased-energhy prices for the third quarterof 2009. Xcel said that a typicao small-business customer using 1,025 kilowatt-hours a month woul see current bills increaseby $7.48 a month, to $101.83. A typicao residential customer using625 kilowatt-hours a month wouls see a $4.56 increase, to $63.05.
If approves by the , the rate hike would take effect July 1 and continue for three Underutility rules, Xcel passes alont energy cost increases or decreases to customers on a dollar-for-dolla r basis through the quarterly electric commoditu adjustments. The new request is separate froma $112.2 milliojn Xcel electric-rate hike already approved by the PUC that also takes effect July 1. That rate increase is to help the Minneapolis-basecd utility (NYSE: XEL) recoup some $1.7 billionm it’s spending on generation, transmission and distributiojn upgradesfor Colorado.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Long View Gallery to relocate - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The gallery signed a long-terjm lease at 1234 9th St. NW for 5,000 square or four times more space than its currengexhibition capacity. Its current lease -- half a blocko south at 1302 9th St. NW -- expires July 31. The renovated spacew will have better custojm framing and specialeventr offerings, and “renovation costs will be in excess of six said gallery director Drew The building, owned by , previouslyh acted as an auto showroom and, most recently, as a vendinhg machine warehouse and has sat empty for the past few Local architect Will Couch is designing the renovatedr gallery space, which will still show and support contemporary artists.
Porterfield plans to soon announce several majort new artists that will exhibit atthe space. Long View Gallery was foundedf in 2000 by Andrew Haley and Suzannse Zylonis ina Sperryville, Va. space, whicg showcases many Virginia artists. Local art patrones partnered with Haley and Zylonise in 2006 to open its Shaw The gallery will stay open at its current spacs until July andwill re-open in the new space in
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Une exposition sur le cheval à l'office de tourisme - Ouest-France
Ouest-France | Une exposition sur le cheval à l'office de tourisme Ouest-France Une exposition intitulée La Manche, terre du cheval est actuellement en place à l'office de tourisme cantonal. Prêtée par les Archives départementales, elle résume fort bien l'attrait du département pour le monde du cheval. ... |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Lockheed Martin adding 224 employees at Lexington's Bluegrass Station - The Republic
MFRTech (press release) | Lockheed Martin adding 224 employees at Lexington's Bluegrass Station The Republic Lockheed Martin is expanding its operation at Lexington's Bluegrass Station and expects to add 224 full-time jobs over the next few years. The expansion involves a $26 million investment. The company was recently awarded a logistics contract that ... Beshear Announces Lockheed Martin To Add 224 Jobs In Lexington Lockheed Martin to expand in Lexington, add 224 jobs Lockheed Martin to add 224 jobs in Lexington |